Boredom is not a resting state
We all get bored. It’s part of who we are as humans. But we have to ask ourselves this; am I really bored? Have I really run out of options to stimulate my brain and body? Or am I just not identifying my emotions?
I’m back to harp on emotional regulation, and this time I’m goin after boredom. Just as in my previous post about stress, boredom is is not an emotion. It is not a state of being. It is an inability or unwillingness to recognize emotions as they exist and rather canvassing anxiety or depression as a state of boredom.
So just as in our practices in stress, work to identify what you are feeling. Work to describe, in detail, the emotions that “boredom” entails. Be relentless in your pursuit of self awareness. And you’ll never be bored again.