A lifetime of diets...

If you've spent a majority of your life dieting, maybe it's time to take a break. The next fad diet isn't going to be the one that magically works. Healingyour relationships, be them with food or yourself, will likely be a far greater investment of your time.

Many of the people I work with have been focusing on weight loss since they were teens. Does this sound familiar?

Have you been consumed with this singular focus? Have you felt like if you could just be smaller things would be better?

It’s not nearly as uncommon as you might think. There are others just like you who struggle with this very thing. But if we’ve spent 10, 20, 30+ years focusing on something that has yet to work, might it be time to change our perspective.

For one, a smaller you is just that, a smaller you. It won’t make you a better person or a happier person. It could make aspects of life easier. It could help your body feel better. It can help to motivate us towards better health habits (if done correctly). But it won’t change all the other stuff.

So if you’ve only been focusing on the food, in particular just trying to eat less and less, than maybe it’s time to try something different. Try focusing on what really matters. And once you’ve found some peace there, you can approach eating in a way that fulfills you rather than frustrates you.


Another motivation rant...

