What really matters
When you've spent your life measuring progress by a number on the scale, working on behaviors can feel like stagnation. But these are the things that really matter if you want lasting change.
One of the biggest determining factors of any successful “transformation” is behavior change. A physical transformation, such as a before-and-after photo, is simply a snapshot of what can be done with simple changes to diet and exercise. But what happens after the “after” if we just addressed physical changes?
In some ways, these transformations can have long term changes such as an increased awareness of food composition and the enjoyment and importance of exercise. However, if the underlying emotional attachments to behaviors aren’t addressed, all the calorie or macro counting or restriction in the world won’t maintain that.
When you want sustainable change, working on behaviors that seem minute can feel silly.
“I can handle this much stuff in my life but I’m only working on something as simple as a grocery list?”
Maybe it’s because we handle so much at once that we need to work on small steps in order to not be overwhelmed. Adding too much at once is often why we feel overwhelmed and give up.
I work with high achieving ppl. People used to succeeding in all avenues of life by pushing hard. So it’s often hard for them to recognize these small victories as progress. Yet, it’s the most important progress there is.
TLDR; celebrate your small wins. Because they add up!