Food is not just fuel

A reminder that food is so much more than "fuel".It's how we celebrate life and death. It's how we celebrate culture and religion. It's how we express life, not just survival. If you hope to improve your relationship stop relegating it to sustenance.

I get it. You want to remove the emotion from food so that you don’t feel controlled by it. How has that worked for you thus far?

Food is inherently tied to our lives in immeasurable ways. To suppress and ignore food’s significance is to suppress a vital part of what makes us human. And that’s no way to improve a relationship.

Embrace the parts of you that love food. Appreciation of the taste and smell and pomp and circumstance of a great meal is not hedonistic. It can be the opposite. Being present in the moment and actually mindful of the experience that food can bring.

If you struggle to understand the intersection of fitness, nutrition, emotional regulation and health you aren’t alone. I work with people every day helping them to learn more about themselves and the influences of the world around them. If you have questions shoot me a message!


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