Feeling overwhelmed

Are you overwhelmed by external factors or are you a willing participant in the chaos of overcommitment ? Sometimes, the greatest obstacle is our own lack of boundaries.

Many of our struggles are of our own making. *There are many ppl who’s struggles are externally driven by environment but most who follow me here have the privilege of creating our own chaos.

Those of us raised in an environment of chaotic unpredictability often cling to that strange comfort. As we’ve built lives of stability and calm and a sense of control, we constantly wait for the other shoe to drop. A common way to assuage that fear is to create our own chaos.

We overcommit, we say yes to everyone and everything, we work from waking until sleep… all to prove our worth to an authority figure in our distant past. And at the expense of our present lives.

Sometimes, the best prevention is a little preparation. Boundaries can offer that buffer zone to prevent overwhelm. Setting times to start and end work. Saying no to things that don’t serve you. Engaging with those who enrich your lives.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, look to where you can reduce your external stimulus. Look at the chaos and recognize that it might be a sense of comfort. In this case, it might be helpful to allow for some discomfort.




Feelings are early warning signs