Am I important?

We all at sometime will struggle with this question. In fact, this was inspired by hearing it from a friend just yesterday. And it brings me back to my opinion on our  personal universe; our macroverse and our microverse.

In the greater scheme, in the macroverse, no we are not important. We don’t matter and our lives, or our deaths, will have no great impact on anything. I have oft been accused of nihilism for this view that our individuality may be of little to no meaning, in reality I view this as an almost existential view of the world.

In this utter unimportance we can find freedom to really pursue our own personal greatness. We can reach towards growth in what we find meaning in. We can base our values on science or faith and have no need to justify it to anyone. That is freedom to me.

In this freedom is where our importance will blossom. It’s is in this microverse of friends and family who are affected by our lives and will be affected by our deaths that we find meaning. We become the center of this microverse while we are but useless specs of dust in the macroverse. This duality can seem at odds but much of life is.

Focus your energy on your microverse. Focus on who and what truly matter to you. In a world that seems to value quantity over quality it will seem that you are unimportant. Realize that it’s those who chase familiarity in the greater macroverse who are exercising a practice in futility. There is no importance there. Focus instead on becoming the strongest center of your microverse you can. Be the sun rather than a dying star.


It's not the macros


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