Do your actions match your values?
An early goal I set for all of my clients is to identify what it is we value. These overarching principles are what define us and dictate our behaviors. But are we acting in a matter that is congruent with our values?
When we act in a manner that violates our principles we feel guilt and shame and any variety of self-deprecating emotions. Because no matter what we say, our personal values are what determine our character. So regardless of how we wish others to see us, how we view ourselves has an exponential impact on every other aspect of our lives.
When we throw our hands up in the air and say “f it”, when we stomp our feet and throw a tantrum, when we give up or give in; is that the person we claim to be? Is that the person we aim to be?
We will always stumble. We will always struggle. It’s how we move forward that defines us.
Quitting is practice. The more you do it the easier it gets. Failure, however, never gets any better. It sucks. But success, in any measure, requires failure. So get used to it.
Act in a way commensurate to your values. If that means failing 100x on your way to success than be ready to claw your way back up 101. Quitting only begets quitting. And you deserve better than that.