It’s ok to be happy
Yes, we are in difficult times and people are enduring loss of work and even loss of life. We need to accept the reality and the gravity of our situation and yet still live our lives.
In this time we are still allowed to pursue better. We are still allowed to grow. We are still allowed to be happy.
There will always be great suffering in the world. There will always be those out there who have it worse. There will always be tragedy at every turn in life. That doesn’t mean your struggles aren’t valid or that it’s insensitive to feel happiness.
Practice acceptance. Express compassion. And find joy in what you can. Most of all, don’t feel shame for your lack of tragedy. Take solace in the serendipity of your situation. And use that position to help others. For in this time we are more aware than ever; all we really have is each other. I, for one, am ok with that revelation.