Values & actions
If we don't align our actions and values we are doomed to be unhappy and unproductive. If there's something you want, figure out how to bring it into alignment with your values and watch how much easier success becomes. *you might redefine your definition of "success"
One of the things that we must do in order to create sustainable change is to align our desired outcomes, actions, behaviors within our core values. When we stray from those it creates internal conflict and discontent and is sure to make any change infinitely harder.
That doesn’t mean we abandon our desired change if the actions don’t currently align, it means we work to alter our actions. Our values might change slightly over time but those core tenets of self are pretty solid. Yet, our behaviors and actions and thoughts are rather malleable. Simply wording a goal in a different way could create alignment.
For instance, saying “I want to lose weight to look good for a beach trip” might not work for someone who values health. Does that mean they can’t have a weight loss goal? Of course not.
However, the reframe would be “I would like to lose weight because I want to walk more and improve my metabolic markers so I can live a longer and more fulfilling life”
Reframing our perspective can do wonders to change how we progress. It also might make us realize that what we thought of as “success” was just someone else’s version. Once we apply our own values, we define success for ourselves.