Gambling with your health

Chronic dieting looks a lot like compulsive gambling. Holding on to that one diet that "worked" even when the weight came back is like a gambler who reminisces about the big win while losing their house to a bookie. Stop gambling with your health & look at the long game.

We tend to hang onto things that we see as success in the short term even when that success doesn’t translate to a long term outcome. And we will often go back to that thing again and again even when we fail to see that same result. Yet we say “it’s the only thing that worked”.

But did it? Step back and look at the long view. What could you change that might yield a different outcome long term? What could you focus on that would change the way you feel rather than how you look? Because if you keep playing the numbers game you can be sure of the result. The house never loses.


Are abs "health"?


Can you educate yourself to better health?