Is tracking working?

Improving your health isn’t a result of weighing, measuring and tracking every gram of food you consume. Rather, it’s a result of changing the behaviors that lead you to overeat tasty, calorie dense foods. As always, the process can lead to outcome but the inverse is rarely true.

We all love “data”. But is your need for data actually because you are altering your variables in a methodical manner in order to elicit a desired response or is it just to feel a sense of control? Because I’ve worked with thousands of ppl over the last decade and the amount of uncorrupted data I’ve come across is quite low.The ppl who can accurately measure and track caloric intake and the requisite output to have a passable estimation that can be manipulated in regular intervals are often those who don’t tend toward emotional response to life. Meaning, ppl who are good at tracking also probably don’t struggle with the things those who chronically diet and regain.

For those of you who find yourselves constantly dieting and regaining while focusing on turning food into numbers, maybe it’s time to realize your strengths and stop trying to fit yourself into another diet. Instead, try matching a strategy to you.Weight loss, but more importantly health improvements, are products of improved behaviors.

Eating balanced meals, reducing mindless snacking, eating more vegetables, walking more, resistance training and improving relationships are all habits that will lead to outcomes. The other approach, which most ppl take, is to shoot for weight loss and hope their lives change as a result. Well, we’ve seen how well that works…

Yes, all of this will take some time and take some work. But if you find that your approach to changing your health is adding stress and removing joy… maybe you’re doing it wrong.


Are you bored?


Lifting weights and walking