Knowing is (only) half the battle

Most of us know what to do. There is no shortage of information out there. In fact, many of us feel overwhelmed by the prevalence of information, much of unhelpful. But that knowledge, even the good knowledge, isn’t really the hurdle. It’s in the application where many of us struggle.

Whether it be a lack of desire or focus or interest, we need more than knowledge to achieve change. We need application. That’s where being specific with our intent can be such an important step.

A common statement I hear is, “I’ll do better next week”. While that is an awesome sentiment, we all should strive for better, it’s also somewhat meaningless.

What will you do today to be better? What exactly? What specific actions will you take that will differentiate today from yesterday?

Set yourself up for success by being specific with your change. Set yourself up by acting with intent. Don’t let your goals fall away for lack of focus. Make them real by making them into action steps.


Scientific method of coaching


Optimal vs ideal