The cost of entitlement

Ahhh, entitlement. The brush that people of my age group love to use in order to paint the generations below us. We say that their biggest problem is that they are entitled and expect to be given what we had to work for. It’s also a favorite word of those with means when looking to those with less. We even call social programs “entitlements”. It’s just another example of how poor most of us are at being self-aware; it is often the most entitled who toss the word around.

I have rarely encountered entitled behavior from anyone who is of lesser socio-economic means. In fact, most of the truly entitled behavior I come across is from those who have extensive education and considerable income. It’s also easy to spot. If you start out any conversation with the caveat, “I’m a (insert Dr/ Lawyer/ Exec) so I can’t do x, y, z” you might be entitled. And while I have compassion for those with high stress jobs, I spent a lot of years in NYC where people work 80 hours a week to barely pay rent. I worked 7 days a week for a decade. Dr’s hours don’t impress me.

The definition of entitled is “believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment”. Thinking that you will somehow be able to avoid doing the things that are required to see change, whether it be in your weight or your life, due to your status is the pinnacle of entitlement and a pretty good indicator that you will fail. Sorry to be the harbinger of bad news but your prior success in life doesn’t convey; you are a beginner at fat loss. If you want to see change, drop the pretense.

Look, we all have it rough. If you have the privilege to afford to pay someone to help you on your journey appreciate your good fortune rather than expect to be exalted for your status. You aren’t getting anything special just because you’re “busy”. We all have to do the same amount of work. So if you find yourself expecting to get more just because you always have, check yourself. Because your entitlement is showing. And that’s not becoming on anyone.


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