2 steps forward 1 step back
With nutrition in particular, people often have this “2 steps forward 1 step back” pattern that causes frustration and can lead to giving up. Generally, that one step back is just the weekend and can easily be remedied with some time management and structure but that deserves its own post. What I want to highlight here is what the reality of this pattern really is.
If we truly take 2 steps forward and one back, we still are making progress. Even if it’s less than we could be. In weight loss, half the rate might not be as fast or (potentially) as effective, it’s still moving forward. And forward momentum is the goal.
As we often discuss, being hyper focused on outcome and then becoming frustrated when you aren’t getting there as quickly as you would like is understandable but misguided. Especially when you are the sole reason for that. If instead you focused on doing the things day in and day out that will lead to the goal, your frustration would be less and your outcome would be better. It seems counterintuitive but most things in life, and especially behavior, are.
So stop focusing on the end goal if you haven’t even mastered the basics. We all want to find a hack or trick or shortcut but they don’t exist. Success comes from consistency and repeatability and work. Even if you’re “sabotaging” your progress, as long as its progress it’s positive. Change what you can and stop trying to jump ahead to the finish. It’ll be much more satisfying on the way there.