Counterfeit responsibility

How often do we say, “this is entirely my doing but...”? This disingenuous admission is an attempt at creating an air of accountability while also deflecting responsibility.

We are the arbiters of our own destiny. No coach or mentor or therapist can “fix” us. They are simply there to guide us along the path of our self discovery. However, when we start to project our lack of effort externally we find it easy to “outsource responsibility”. We look for reasons for our failings outside of ourselves and hope that we may be able to buy our way into success. Unfortunately, when it comes to body composition changes the only road to results is through work.

Be aware of methods of self sabotage. It is often masked in our own good intentions. A common occurrence is setting unrealistic expectations that create an opportunity to be disappointed. After all, expectations are resentments waiting to happen. We set ourselves up to feel let down and frustrated and therefore have all the reasons we need to engage in problematic behaviors. Self sabotage doesn’t happen in the moment but long before.

So if you are ready to take ownership of your life, your behaviors, your change then stop putting a big but in there. Don’t look to an external force to pin your frustrations on. If you take responsibility, take responsibility. No one else can take it for you.


What do you believe?


What is the cost?