You can't always get what you want
We don’t always get what we want, shit I’m not even sure we get what we need. Sorry Mick. But we get what we get. We can lament it or we can do something with it. It’s up to you.
The light is always at the end of the tunnel but sometimes we spend so much time looking over our shoulders that we can’t see what’s right in front of us. Conjuring images of trolley cars and cats in boxes, our uniquely human ability to philosophize potential problems can sometimes keep us trapped in a world of fantasy. Catastrophizing or romanticizing a future that may never come. Projecting our own hopes and fears into the Universe.
Some of our greatest strengths can become our greatest weaknesses when allowed to control our actions. When we stop living in the present for fear of an unknown future or dwelling on what has past, we risk missing out on all of the treasures of now.
Life is lived in the moment. Get unstuck from yesterday and stop fearing what may never come. It can be as simple as sitting quietly for 20 minutes a day or as difficult as we make it. But it is always possible.