Time management is food management
Struggling with food environment and eating behaviors does not exist in isolation. One of our first looks should be how we manage our time.
I am very protective over my time. Possessions can be replaced, money can be re-made but time lost is forever. Learning to place boundaries around your time is paramount to bettering your food management.
Simple practices for me are things like setting up a calendly account to book phone calls (and setting hard stops), time blocking my day to be on task, and even booking times for meals. While it can seem obsessive from the outside these practices allow me to have more time for family and personal development while also ensuring that I am present in the task at hand. By placing book ends around work we often find our effectiveness increases.
We are most likely not “too busy” we just aren’t using our time efficiently. In order to do that we need to work on boundaries, being focused and present in the moment, and planning our day ahead of time. Any of this sound familiar?
Nothing exists in isolation. We are constantly battling one thing or another. Stop making it harder on yourself. Work on time management and you will find that it bleeds over into all aspects of your life. Even food.