Abundance vs scarcity

One of the most difficult shifts in mindset around nutrition comes in the form of restriction of calories. The very idea that we may need to lessen or even eliminate the certain foods can cause unneeded stress around our diet.

The knee jerk reaction has become “we don’t need to restrict food if we eat in moderation”. This is about as effective as “eat less move more”. Most people who have issues around food have issues around specific foods.

Now this doesn’t mean we need to go vegan or keto or gluten free to see success but it may mean we cut out “Bottomless Brunch” or “Taco Tuesday” or “F-it Friday”. At least for a short time.

So how do we resign ourselves that we might not get to have everything what we want if we wish for change?


When we have less of something (in this case food) we can approach it from two different vantage points: abundance or scarcity. We often view through the lens of scarcity which can often lead to overeating scenarios. “I can’t have this so I had better eat as much as possible now for it will be gone tomorrow.”

The opposite view would be one of abundance. “I appreciate this so much more when I know it exists in abundance yet I choose when and where to enjoy it.”

Take time to enjoy foods in the moment. Allow their scents and feel and taste to truly be experienced. And you will be able to feel so much more with so much less.


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