Acceptance is our first step
Acceptance is a vehicle for change
Acceptance. A cornerstone of mindful nutrition. Acceptance is a tool to combat avoidance. Avoidance of emotion, avoidance of stress, avoidance of reality. It is the opposite action of denial.
Denial is easy. When we deny reality we deny our own role in it. We reach for external stimulus in the form of food or alcohol or a variety of maladaptive behaviors. The denial leads to the attempt at escape.
Acceptance forces us to face reality as it is. It can be frightening. But once we begin to practice it becomes easier.
Acceptance does not mean giving up, in fact it can be the first step on a path to change. By accepting things the way they are we determine our role in a situation and how to alter our own behaviors.
We may recognize that we are overweight and often fall victim to emotional eating episodes. That is reality. It doesn’t make us bad or amoral. There is no judgement in acceptance. At this point we determine whether we would like to change or to stay the same. There is no right or wrong answer. But we must look at our role. And accept it. That is the first step.
Acceptance is not weakness. Acceptance is not passive. Acceptance is a powerful action that can drive the vehicle of change. But you can’t half ass it. You must practice radical acceptance of all your truths. Only then can you begin to change.